Auth Mobile Google
(Android Configuration)

Last Updated: 13 April 2023


1. Go to Firebase Console Authentication > Sign-in method

2. Click on Edit Google Configuration.

3. Copy Web client ID. This is your required WEB_APPLICATION_CLIENT_ID.

None of these values should be completely empty. If you do not need any of these, at least set the value to some dummy string. For eg. "none"

4. Paste the WEB_APPLICATION_CLIENT_ID in the Firebase Auth Mobile (Google) Plugin Property.

Android Export Property & SHA-1 Fingerprint

1. Your Android build type must be Signed.
(Select one of the three highlighted options)

2. Go to Project Settings > Your Android App

3. Add your SHA-1 fingerprints. If you dont have SHA-1 fingerprint, follow the next step.

See How to get SHA-1 fingerprint

If you don't have a keystore or want to create a new one, create it from Construct 3 Android Export, as given in the image below.

Note down the SHA-1 signature. This is your required SHA-1 signature.

Download keystore.jks

You should Choose this keystore for building the apk.

Google Play Console: SHA-1 

While releasing your app to Google Play, you will need to include the SHA-1 fingerprint from the Google Play Console.

Go to Google Play Console > Setup > App integrity > App signing

Copy the SHA-1 fingerprint and paste it in your Firebase Console Settings.